About 30 years ago, Air Animal Pet Movers published their first “Top 10 Pet Moving Myths and Facts.” They continue to update the list each year because it’s the right thing to do. Air Animal is one of five founders of the pet moving industry. Its owners consulted with air carriers and the federal government to write the rules that now protect pet safety while traveling.
The 2019 Top 10 Pet Moving Myths vs. Facts
Myth #1 -- Passenger
airlines transporting pets do not have pressurized air cargo holds.
Fact #1 --- Air cargo compartments are pressurized the same as
the passenger compartments on airlines.
Myth #2 -- Pet
moving by air during the summer is hazardous to pets.
Fact #2 --- Summer pet relocation is safe, reliable and humane
because airlines that accept pets use air-conditioned vehicles to move pets
from one aircraft to another and many airports now have pet lounges. The
lounges accommodate pets traveling internationally. They need a break just like
their pet parents.
Myth #3 -- Airlines
accept all dog and cat breeds as cabin baggage, accompanied baggage and air
Fact #3--- Mushy-faced
breeds (brachycephalic) may relocate by air when temperatures are 80 degrees
Fahrenheit (26 degrees Celsius) or below at both the departure and arrival
airports. Airlines have also prohibited specific breeds.
Myth #4 -- All
pets must be given tranquilizers when moved on airlines-both as baggage or as
air cargo.
Fact #4--- Tranquilized
or sedated animals are prohibited by passenger airlines.
Myth #5 -- Britain
requires six months of mandatory quarantine when pets relocate to the UK.
Fact #5--- There
is no quarantine provided you follow the UK protocol: microchip, rabies
vaccination and international health certificate. See our resource pages for UK and EU protocols.
Myth #6 -- Parrots
and other birds only need a health certificate to move from one country to
Fact #6--- All
parrots and some birds on the U.S. Endangered Species List must have a CITESexport or import permit to leave or enter the U.S. Occasionally blood tests are
required before the move.
Myth #7 -- Pets
entering the U.S. must be quarantined.
Myth #8 -- There
are no breed restrictions for pets flying on U.S. passenger airlines.
Fact #8 --- Passenger airlines may choose to refuse transport
to breeds which have known breathing issues or other problems.
Myth #9 -- Every
pet going into the European Union countries needs a 15-digit microchip.
Fact #9--- Air
Animal recommends a 15-digit ISO chips such as AVID or Home Again for pets
traveling to the UK and the EU.
Myth #10 -- Only one vet visit is required to get the
microchip, rabies vaccination, and the International Health Certificate for
relocation to the EU.
Fact #10--- Relocating pets to the EU will take at least two vet visits
for cats and three visits for dogs because dogs must have a parasite treatment.
Copyright 2019, Air Animal Inc. All rights reserved.
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