Thursday, June 29, 2017

Heat Warnings North of the Equator

(Tampa & Orlando, FL)--Media reports are buzzing about planes in Arizona and elsewhere that cannot take off in the extreme heat wave hitting parts of the Northern Hemisphere. The hot air is thin so planes cannot get enough lift.

Extreme heat and extreme cold affect pets moving by air, too. Many airlines will not fly pet air cargo when ground temperatures at departure and arrival airports are forecast to reach 80 degrees Fahrenheit (26 degrees Celsius) or higher. If you're planning a pet move, talk with your pet moving specialist about the best times of the year to fly based on your origin and destination. Mushy-faced breeds such as bulldogs and Persian cats are especially prone to breathing problems in the heat.

Pet Moving Made Easy is our motto. We make it easy by planning ahead. Six months until your more? It's not too early to give us a call or request an estimate online.

Thanks to Lufthansa Cargo: Live for sharing this photo of their animal air cargo operations.

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